As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
$ErrorActionPreference variable 248, 249
$uri variable 201
-City parameter 204
-ErrorAction parameter 249
-Full parameter 207
-Joke parameter 207
.msi file
PowerShell 7, installing from 8-11
.NET 385
alternative, to Task Scheduler 395, 396
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) 386
CoreCLR 387
CoreFX 387
GUI objects, creating 396, 397
history 387
software framework 386
uses 388
.NET, components 388
assemblies 388, 389
classes 390
enumerations 390
members 392
namespaces 390, 391
types 389
versioning 393
.NET exceptions
versus PowerShell exceptions 247
.NET, in PowerShell
dynamic assembly loading 394
instances of types, creating 395
PowerShell assemblies 394
working with 393
.NET MAUI 388...