What this book covers
Chapter 1, Building a Web Service, explains how to turn an application into a web service by exposing its resources and features as HTTP endpoints.
Chapter 2, Persisting Data and Testing, shows how you can integrate a persistence system to your Play application and how to write specifications of your HTTP layer.
Chapter 3, Turning a Web Service into a Web Application, goes one step further by showing you how the Play framework can help you to define HTML pages for your application and handle HTML forms.
Chapter 4, Integrating with Client-side Technologies, gives you insights on ways to manage the production of web assets from the build system of your Play application.
Chapter 5, Reactively Handling Long-running Requests, dives deeper in the framework internals and explains how to leverage its reactive programming model to manipulate data streams.
Chapter 6, Leveraging the Play Stack – Security, Internationalization, Cache, and the HTTP Client, presents additional components that are part of the Play stack.
Chapter 7, Scaling Your Codebase and Deploying Your Application, looks back at the code of your application and provides patterns to keep it modular and easy to maintain. It also explains how to deploy your application in a production environment.