Working with performance counters
Windows Performance Counter enables us to monitor in real-time multiple items that can measure the performance of the Data Flow engine. For example, you can watch the "Buffers spooled" counter to determine whether data buffers are being written to disk temporarily while a package is running. This swapping reduces performance and indicates that the computer has insufficient memory.
The performance counters are as follows:
BLOB bytes read : The number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the Data Flow engine has read from all sources.
BLOB bytes written : The number of bytes of BLOB data that the Data Flow engine has written to all destinations.
BLOB files in use : The number of BLOB files that the Data Flow engine currently is using for spooling.
Buffer memory : The amount of memory that is in use. This may include both physical and virtual memory. When this number is larger than the amount of physical memory, the Buffers Spooled count rises as an...