Recommendations are a little bit different than the other actions. A recommendation prompts the user to enter a value in a field. You would use the Recommendation action to guide users when they fill out a form. It displays a suggestion bubble with text next to the field with an Apply button.
The following screenshot shows a recommendation as it appears to the user:Â
Figure 4.9 – A recommendation on a form
The following screenshot shows how to set up the recommendation:
Figure 4.10 – Recommendation properties
Along with the recommendation is an action that will be performed if the user accepts the recommendation. In the following screenshot, a set value is used to set the VIP field to Yes:
Figure 4.11 – A set value action for a recommendation
When you add a recommendation action, a single set value action is added automatically.
Now that you are aware of all the actions, we can combine these actions together to form a business rule.