Optimizing dashboards
A Power BI dashboard lets users curate a collection of reports and visuals to show on a single page through an action called pinning. It is an easy way to create a customized view of the most important elements from different and potentially unrelated reports into a single dashboard. Dashboards in Power BI were designed to be fast and behave differently to reports because, where possible, they cache the query result and visual beforehand. This greatly reduces dashboard load time because it avoids most on-demand processing. Power BI does this by executing queries and preparing dashboard tiles when the underlying data has been updated.
Visuals are cached when pinned to a dashboard, but reports (called live report tiles) are not. Therefore, we recommend only pinning individual visuals to dashboards instead of report pages to take advantage of caching.
There is also the potential to add significant background load on a system when using dashboards. This...