This chapter has reviewed direct-to-object storage and the newest enhancements. We looked at the new direct-to-object storage available within VBR v12. We reviewed configuring and setting up the new GFS backups to object storage with immutability. Finally, we looked at the enhancements to third-party integrations for Microsoft Azure and Wasabi object storage. After reading this chapter, you should have a much deeper understanding of the new direct-to-object storage options. You should also now understand how to configure GFS backups to immutable object storage within VBR v12. Lastly, you learned about the new third-party integrations for Microsoft Azure and Wasabi object storage.
Hopefully, you will now have a better understanding of the new object storage integrations and enhancements. The next chapter will look at what Veeam has done in v12 to enhance network-attached storage (NAS) backups.