A lot to digest in this chapter, eh?
However, we now know what a grid is and what it's used for, something many of us have never really questioned before. We also understand more about CSS grids, CSS frameworks, and UI kits; use them as you please, as long as you are clear about how they help us be more efficient when building sound responsive sites and apps.
Creating our custom CSS with the traditional floats technique was a matter of identifying the pattern where the addition of a new column was a matter of increasing the value by 100. Now, we can create a 12-column grid at any width we want.
With the help of Flexbox, we now understand where the future of responsive and fluid layouts is. With such great browser support, there's no question Flexbox is a major contender for the traditional CSS grids. Using Conditional Classes is a good option to support our complex layouts in legacy browsers. In addition, for IE10 we need to use the Conditional Compilation script that only IE10 is capable...