Final project – creating a simple library
Now that we have explored the SDLC, we are going to apply what we learned and build a full project with those principles. The following section will be dedicated to building a temperature conversion library.
Gathering requirements for the library
As we have discussed in this chapter, the first thing we need to do is determine the requirements for the project. Our goal is to create a temperature converter similar to the one we built before. However, our library will need to be portable without the possibility of anyone modifying it. It will also need to convert between all temperature units. We can say our requirements are the following:
- Should be a compiled library
- Should convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Should convert Celsius to Kelvin and Kelvin to Celsius
- Should convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin and Kelvin to Fahrenheit
We can write some use cases, such as the following:
- As...