per month
Feb 2019
4hrs 17mins
1st Edition
Build fast APIs with Node.js 12, Express.js and Authentication with Passport
Connect to MySQL and cache responses with Redis
Improve performance and readability with functional reactive programming
Node.js is a technology that you can quickly become familiar with, but it can be hard to master to build fast and secure solutions. Instead of covering the basics, this course will help you to progress to understand advanced concepts such as asynchronicity, the event loop, clean error handling with Express Middleware and functional reactive programming.
You will start off by working through the process of creating a subscription management system, where you will optimize directory structures. This will help you with the organization, as Node.js apps usually don't follow filename and directory conventions. As you delve deeper into the course, you'll learn how to build an API in the form of microservices, managed through PM2. As you progress, you will connect and utilize two of the most widely used technologies in the Node.js World; MySQL, the most commonly used relational database, and Redis, a popular technology used in caching. Once you've built a solid infrastructure, you'll be able to build an authentication service with the help of Passport and JSON Web Tokens.
By the end of this course, you will be able to tackle harder challenges in your Node.js projects by efficiently using the best tools available, while also meeting demanding industry standards for a clean and scalable code.
The code bundle for this video course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-Node.js-11.x
This course uses Node.js 12.0.0, while not the latest version available, it provides relevant and informative content for legacy users of Node.js.
If you are a JavaScript developer with basic experience in Node.js and want to take it to the next level by writing well-managed code for fast, scalable and responsive web applications, this is the course for you.
Simplify asynchronous operations and write faster code with async/await
Write easily readable code with functional reactive programming techniques
Handle errors effectively and provide relative responses quickly
Organize your code in controllers with Express.js Route
Set up MySQL and query it with Sequelize
Achieve effortless communication between microservices
Secure endpoints and authenticate users with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
Respond to repeated requests by caching responses with Redis