Custom signals
Telemetry is emitted by the platform and application. Considering application telemetry, we already noticed earlier that this is typically instrumented using code unit 1351
Telemetry Subscribers
. For example, signal AL0000E24
is sent when subscribing to OnAfterEnqueueJobQueueEntry
published in code unit 453
Job Queue - Enqueue
. Below is the relevant code snippet for the subscriber:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Job Queue - Enqueue", 'OnAfterEnqueueJobQueueEntry', '', false, false)]
local procedure SendTraceOnAfterEnqueueJobQueueEntry(var JobQueueEntry: Record "Job Queue Entry")
TranslationHelper: Codeunit "Translation Helper";
Dimensions: Dictionary of [Text, Text];
SetJobQueueTelemetryDimensions(JobQueueEntry, Dimensions);
if IsNullGuid(JobQueueEntry."System Task ID") then