Further reading
The following resources have further information on the topics introduced in this chapter:
- The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse, by Norman Matloff and Peter
Jay Salzman - GDB Pocket Reference, by Arnold Robbins
- Python Interpreter in GNU Debugger, by crazyguitar: https://www.pythonsheets.com/appendix/python-gdb.html
- Extending GDB with Python, by Lisa Roach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt9v5t4_zvE
- Cross-compiling with CMake and VS Code, by Enes ÖZTÜRK: https://enes-ozturk.medium.com/cross-compiling-with-cmake-and-vscode-9ca4976fdd1
- Remote Debugging with GDB, by Enes ÖZTÜRK: https://enes-ozturk.medium.com/remote-debugging-with-gdb-b4b0ca45b8c1
- Getting to grips with Eclipse: cross compiling: https://2net.co.uk/tutorial/eclipse-cross-compile
- Getting to grips with Eclipse: remote access and debugging: https://2net.co.uk/tutorial/eclipse-rse