Where to find plugins
There are quite a few plugins available for Aperture. In the following sections, we will look at what I consider to be essential plugins, as well as some other common add-ons. However, if you want to see what is available, Apple maintains a page of third-party resources for Aperture. You can find it by visiting the following website:
Recommended plugins
There are a few plugins that every Aperture owner should aim to get (depending on finances of course). While there are lots of other great tools available, in my opinion, these few are the most useful and important. They are the following:
Silver Efex Pro (part of the Nik Software Suite)
Dfine (also part of the Nik Software Suite)
They aren't very expensive, especially PTLens. Silver Efex Pro and Dfine are part of the one suite of tools, which also includes the excellent Color Efex Pro and Viveza.
Let's have a look at each of these and understand why they are so important...