What this book covers
Chapter 1, Understanding Kubernetes and Helm, is where you learn about the challenges involved in deploying Kubernetes applications and how Helm can be used to simplify the deployment process.
Chapter 2, Preparing a Kubernetes and Helm Environment, is where you learn how to configure a local development environment. In this chapter, you will download Minikube and Helm. You will also learn basic Helm configurations.
Chapter 3, Installing Your First App with Helm, teaches you the ins and outs of the main Helm commands by having you deploy your first Helm chart.
Chapter 4, Scaffolding a New Helm Chart, is about how Helm charts are structured and helps you scaffold your own Helm chart.
Chapter 5, Helm Dependency Management, is where you learn how to manage and use dependencies to build and manage complex application deployments.
Chapter 6, Understanding Helm Templates, explores Helm templates and how to dynamically generate Kubernetes resources.
Chapter 7, Helm Lifecycle Hooks, is about lifecycle hooks and how to deploy arbitrary resources at different Helm lifecycle phases.
Chapter 8, Publishing to a Helm Chart Repository, teaches you about Helm chart repositories and how they can be used to publish Helm charts.
Chapter 9, Testing Helm Charts, is about different strategies for testing Helm charts during Helm chart development.
Chapter 10, Automating Helm with CD and GitOps, looks at how to automate Helm deployments using continuous delivery and GitOps methodologies.
Chapter 11, Using Helm with the Operator Framework, covers how to create a Helm operator using the operator-sdk
Chapter 12, Helm Security Considerations, is about different security topics as they relate to Helm releases, charts, and repositories.