Time for action – sharing Neighborhood videos
Log in to the Neighborhood site as Administrator.
Hover the cursor over the Manage link and click on the Control Panel link.
Click on Plugins Installation from the Server section. It will take you to the Plugins Installation screen.
On this screen, click on Install More Portlets. It will take you to the screen where you can install portlets, as shown in following screenshot.
Click on the Upload file and browse for the portlet war file,
in the downloaded code for this book.After that, click on Install. It will upload the war file to the Liferay server and deploy it for you. At the end of a successful deployment, you will see a message in the tomcat log as shown in the following screenshot to indicate successful deployment:
Now, you should select the Neighbourhood Exchange community, and click on the Pages link. Now, on manage page interface, click on the Private Pages from the top menu. You should then click on the View Pages...