Time for action – searching all content
Log in to your Liferay site as default Administrator.
In the CIGNEX Neighbourhood community welcome page, open the Add Application menu, and add Search Portlet from the Tools category to the page.
In this portlet, you can search either Everything (which includes all the communities and organizations), or This community, which limits search to the current community. It also contains textbox, where you can enter search keyword. Enter Neighbourhood in the search textbox, and select Everything. Now click on the search icon.
It will then show you the search results, such as, Result page, groups results asset wise, that is, number of Web content, number of blogs, number of Wikis, and so on. Also, it will show Search portlets, search in Blogs, Bookmark, Calendar, Directory, Document Library, Image Gallery, Message Boards, Web Content, and Wiki. It also shows highlighted result of the keyword searched, as shown in the following screenshot:
Each search result shows...