Object Oriented Programming
Before talking about the more complex concepts within OOPs, we need to know what an Object Oriented Programming language is.
The C programming language is not an Object Oriented Programming language. In Arduino we use a modified version of C which can be compared to C++ programming. And, since C++ is an Object Oriented Programming language, we can implement the benefits of OOP in our Arduino projects.
An Object Oriented Programming language must have a few characteristics (inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and so on) in order to be defined as an Object Oriented Programming language. C is an implementation language. In short, in C, we write a long code. But in OOPs, the code can be shortened using a number of techniques. These techniques are the OOPs's characters.
In our daily life, everything we see and feel is an object. The earth is an object, the moon is an object, a chair is an object-even your dog is an object. Whatever you can touch, smell, feel...