The prototype in this chapter already has some decoration, such as the in-fashion flat and minimalistic approach to graphics for mobile application. This decoration also includes pure colors, simple shapes, and large and light typefaces. The only final preparations are some tunes on colors. Alternatively, the square tiles might be replaced by color circles as you can see in the following figure. They look very funky, recalling some pop-art work, especially when there is some empty white space around, which emphasizes the power of colors:

You can get inspired by some sources of fine and professional design. Look at such games as already mentioned Hundreds with a clean, modernist visual style and Puzzlejuice (http://puzzlejuicegame.com) from Colaboratory with flat and very attractive design, based on the contrast between color squares and a dark gray background (its UI is gorgeous as well). Don't miss Radballs (http://radballsthegame.com) from glow play, a magnificent tile-matching...