To update our grid, we need to take the following steps:
- Use command + Shift + O and, in the Open Quickly window, type Main.storyboard, and then hit the Enter key.
- Select the Collection View, and then, in the Utilities Panel, select Size Inspector.
- Update the following values, based on the simulator that you are currently using. These values may need to be changed so that your grid has two columns of cells, so feel free to alter the values.
For iPhone 7, use the following values:

For iPhone 7 Plus, use the following values:

For iPhone 4/iPhone SE/iPhone 5/iPhone 5s, use the following values:

When you are done, this is what everything should look like:

Challenge: If you are using iPhone XR, or iPhone Xs, try to see whether you can figure out how to make the grid work. For now, as we just did, we will use storyboard settings to get our cells set up. Later...