The Galileo and Linux
While you have been accessing the Galileo exclusively through the IDE, the Galileo actually has been running a version of the Linux operating system all along. Linux is an operating system similar to Windows, or the Apple Mac operating system. In fact, the Mac operating system is built upon a version of Unix, which is very similar to Linux. Now Linux, unlike Windows, Android, or IOS, is not tightly controlled by a single company. It is a group effort, mostly open source, and while it is available for free, it grows and develops based on community development and support.
Thus, a number of distributions have emerged, each built on a similar kernel, or core set of capabilities. These core capabilities are all based on the Linux specification. However, they are packaged slightly differently, and developed, supported, and packaged by different organizations. Angstrom is one of these versions. Debian is another. There are others as well. The one included in the internal memory...