Negotiation 101
Everyone is in sales is a statement from one of my mentors many years ago.
Would you be opposed to me teaching you a trick I have used over the years to win at job interviews and—especially—negotiations?
Most people would answer no to that question because it's easier for most people to answer with a no to a question.
I won't deep dive into sales techniques in this book, but a good sales book is The Sandler Rules by David Mattson, and a guy named Josh Braun also has some good training.
Here are a few questions I have used over the years in interviews:
- Would you be opposed to…?
Here's an example:
Would you be opposed to me asking about career advancement for this job role?
- Would it make sense…?
Here's an example:
Would it make sense for us to discuss salary after we've seen this is a good match?
- Can you offer your advice on…?
Here's an example:
Can you offer your advice on how the team manages projects?
- It seems…?
(Note: shut up after you use this one and let them respond)
Here's an example:
It seems like you need a minimum salary expectation to move me forward in the application process.