Installing Groovy with GVM
The Groovy ecosystem continues to evolve and is not too proud to take inspiration from other sources. While the language itself has moved forwards in leaps and bounds over the last few years, by far my favorite addition to the ecosystem is GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager). GVM was inspired by tools such as RVM (Ruby Version Manager).
GVM is the ideal tool for maintaining parallel versions of the various tools in the Groovy ecosystem. GVM has a simple and intuitive command-line interface for installing and using Groovy, and a whole collection of other useful Groovy-based tools. Switching between different versions of the Grails framework is achieved with a simple command:
$gvm use grails 3.0.5 $grails run-app $gvm u grails 3.0.5 $grails upgrade
As well as Groovy itself, GVM can be used to install most of the popular Groovy tools such as Grails, Griffon, Gradle, and Vert.x. This list is being extended by the Groovy community all the time, so for the latest list...