Migration – Things to consider
In this section, we will go over some important factors that affect your migration strategy. Migrating between databases is always a tedious, error-prone, and complicated endeavor. It is also possible to get into nightmarish situations if you are not thorough and careful. Also, if your business is sensitive to downtime during this migration, you should find a mechanism for doing continuous migration. It is important to make sure you do your own benchmarking for the current schema, workload, and queries on CockroachDB before you decide to migrate your production data and workloads.
Here are some key aspects you should pay attention to before deciding on migration:
- Cost: You should be asking yourself whether the overall cost is going to go down or increase once you move to CockroachDB. Since the cost of maintaining a database can be significant, you should do a back-of-the-envelope calculation to see the cost difference.
- Learning...