Archiving a project for possible future editing
George Lucas supposedly once said, "A movie is never finished, only abandoned." Of course, legend has it Leonardo Da Vinci once said, "Art is never finished, only abandoned." So apparently quotes are never finished, only modified and reused. But the point is this: you truly may never feel as though your film is 100 percent complete. Or, if you do, your client may not feel that way. So even after you've exported a final cut of your film in ProRes and H.264, you might want to consider keeping around all your hard work just in case one day you have the urge or need to tweak one last transition.
The annoying part is that your finished event and project seem to stay visible in FCPX forever and ever, even if you aren't going to touch them ever again. To make matters worse, a build-up of events and projects can actually slow down FCPX's boot time! So let's hide the elements that are not needed now from FCPX's wandering eyes.
How to do it...
1. Quit Final...