Exercise 2: Provisioning Application Insights with the Azure CLI
In the next hands-on task, you will provision Application Insights instances for those already provisioned before the Azure web app. Please retrieve the application name from the output of the previous script execution and update the value in the script accordingly. The steps can be executed locally or in Cloud Shell. The script is also available from the following link: https://packt.link/O9OOC
The commands in this exercise are implemented in Bash and can be executed locally or in Cloud Shell. If you want to run commands locally, please install the Azure CLI: http://aka.ms/azcli.
- Start by updating the
variable with the name of the web app created in the previous exercise.appName=" "
- Install the CLI extension to provision Application Insights.
az extension add -n application-insights
- Create a Log Analytics workspace.
az monitor log-analytics workspace create -g AppInsightsDemo...