Publishing the Local Access Apps (LAA)
In some cases, you should not want to migrate or reinstall applications installed on an existing working environment, because of different reasons (performance issues, installation, or compatibility problems). In which way can these necessities match with a VDI migration project?
XenDesktop 7.6 has the key. In fact, also in this latest version, you have the ability to deploy the Local Access Apps (LAA), a technique that will permit you to access the applications that are already installed on the endpoint without performing any setup or configuration procedures. In this recipe, we are going to discuss the required steps to implement it.
Getting ready
To be able to publish streamed Local Access Apps, you need a compatible source operating system (Windows Server 2012 / 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, and Windows 8/8.1) and at least the 4.0 version of Citrix Receiver.
The LAA deployment can only be applied to the Desktop Delivery Groups and...