Workload scheduling
Understanding the workload scheduling and how it works with the Kubernetes scheduler will be useful in your daily life as a Kubernetes Administrator. Kubernetes allows you to define node affinity rules, taints, and tolerations with the good use of labels, selectors, and annotations leading your way. Let’s first start with the notion of namespaces.
Understanding namespaces
Thinking about the separation of the workloads, namespaces come in handy. A namespace is a logical separation of all the namespaced objects deployed in a single Kubernetes cluster. Deployments, Services, and Secrets are all namespaced. Otherwise, some Kubernetes objects are cluster-wide, such as Nodes, StorageClass, and PersistentVolume. The name of a resource has to be unique within a namespace.
You can get all namespaces using the following command:
kubectl get namespaces
Alternatively, you can use this command:
kubectl get ns
You will see that the output gets...