Chapter 6. Sensing the World – Feeling with Analog Inputs
The real world isn't digital. My digital-art-based vision shows me The Matrix behind things and huge digital waterfalls between things. In this chapter, however, I need to convey to you the relationship between digital and analog, and we need to understand it well.
This chapter is a good one but a huge one. Don't be afraid. We'll also discuss new concepts a lot while writing and designing pure C++ code.
We are going to describe together what analog inputs are. I'm also going to introduce you to a new and powerful friend worthy of respect, Max 6 framework. Indeed, it will help us a bit like Processing did—to communicate with the Arduino board. You'll realize how important this is for computers, especially when they have to sense the world. A computer with the Max 6 framework is very powerful, but a computer with the Max 6 framework and the Arduino plugin can feel much characteristics of the physical world, such as pressure, temperature...