Introduction to LightWallet
LightWallet is an HD wallet that implements BIP32, BIP39, and BIP44. LightWallet provides APIs to create and sign transactions or encrypt and decrypt data using the addresses and keys generated using it.
LightWallet API is divided into four namespaces, that is, keystore
, signing
, encryption
, and txutils
. signing
, encrpytion,
and txutils
provide APIs to sign transactions, asymmetric cryptography, and create transactions respectively, whereas a keystore
namespace is used to create a keystore
, generated seed, and so on. keystore
is an object that holds the seed and keys encrypted. The keystore
namespace implements transaction signer methods that requires signing the we3.eth.sendTransaction()
calls if we are using Hooked-Web3-Provider. Therefore the keystore
 namespace can automatically create and sign transactions for the addresses that it can find in it. Actually, LightWallet is primarily intended to be a signing provider for the Hooked-Web3-Provider.
A keystore