How to integrate Azure DevOps with an Azure Databricks notebook
Nowadays, DevOps is an integral part of any project and is heavily used for deploying the resources and artifacts to various environments apart from other services and features that Azure DevOps provides. Integrating Azure DevOps with Azure Databricks helps teams and organizations to source control the notebooks that can be used for collaborations and this enables the enterprise practice of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment for Azure Databricks resources and notebooks. In this recipe, you will learn how to integrate Azure DevOps with Azure Databricks.
Getting ready
Before starting with this recipe, you need to ensure that you have the resources created as mentioned in the Technical requirements section of the current chapter.
The Azure DevOps Services organization must be linked to the same Azure AD tenant that the Azure Databricks resource is part of. You need to set the Gitprovider to Azure DevOps...