We have seen how a 5-tier architecture works. An important point to note is that there can be multiple ways of implementing a 5-tier architecture, and no architectural implementation can be a silver bullet for your own custom project. The aim of this chapter is to give you an idea of and an approach to how a 5-tier design can be implemented in your own projects. But this is by no means the only best method to do so. Many experienced developers implement their own custom n-tier solutions, which can be very different from what we have seen in this chapter. But the basic concepts from an architectural standpoint would be similar to what we have learnt in this chapter, giving us the knowledge to customize our own implementation for our specific project needs.
We also covered some crucial architectural aspects and design patterns, such as loose coupling, a lack of strong dependency on other layers, scalability, and so on. An n-tier implementation involves more work and longer code files...