Time for action – adding in-app purchases for iOS
Perform the following steps to add in-app purchase for iOS:
In-app purchases are defined in iTunes Connect. Log in to your account and select the app.
From the App details screen select Manage In-App Purchases from the buttons on the right-hand side.
Click on Create New.
This will be a non-consumable item. Enter the product name (
Exotic Currencies
), the product ID (exotic_currency
, which is your identifier), and the price tier. For this example we do not need to store any content with Apple that will be unlocked via the purchase, so select No for this question. Complete the screen by adding applicable languages and a screenshot, and then click on Save.You will be making some test purchases before the in-app purchase goes live, so you need a test user so that your purchases don't cost you money! From the home screen of iTunes Connect, create a test user via Manage Users.
Return to Titanium Studio to make the code changes. This will be a simple...