Amazon S3 resources consist of buckets, objects, and related subresources (such as the website configuration that we used to create a static website or logging configuration that we used for storing S3 access logging) are private. To manage access permissions to your Amazon S3 resources, it is necessary to understand that Amazon S3 provides access policy options which are mainly categorized into resource-based policies and user polices. For example, bucket polices and access control lists (ACLs) are defined as resource-based polices because the access polices can be attached to your resources such as buckets and objects. On the other hand, you can attach the access policies to users in your AWS account and they are defined as user policies.
You can use resource-based polices or user polices or both of them at the same time to manage access to your S3 resources.

To be able to manage access to your buckets or objects using both bucket policies and user policies, it is necessary...