Chapter 10
Design IV –Design Patterns
The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can't grasp them. There is a pattern in creation.
– Albert Einstein
The first time I heard about Design Patterns I was still in Italy, in one of my first jobs. A colleague was talking about a previous interview, "When they started asking me about design patterns, I knew I was doomed! Ciaone!"
After the general laugh (my colleague, Matteo is a great developer and an amazing storyteller!), I had this exotic term blinking in my mind: Design Patterns. I didn't even know what these patterns were. I would have been doomed as well in such an interview. I had to know more.
I Googled it quickly and read a few random pages here and there, and I realized this wasn't a subject you can pick up easily. And when memorization is not among one's best qualities, it may appear to be a daunting task. A few months...