Configuring DFS and DFSR replication
Distributed File System (DFS) and Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) allow for information to be replicated and accessed using a common namespace. This namespace can contain resources from multiple different systems and in different locations, yet users are able to access the information using a common name.
The most common usage of these technologies is Windows Active Directory, which stores and replicates user information among domain controllers.
Getting ready
In this recipe, we will be using our two file servers, namely FS1
and FS2
, to configure a DFS namespace. We will add folders to the DFS namespace and configure replication between the servers.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps to configure DFS and DFSR replication:
Create the shares for the DFS root:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName FS1, FS2 -scriptblock{ New-Item C:\Shares\Public -ItemType Directory New-SmbShare -Name Public -Path C:\Shares\Public -FullAccess Everyone }
Create the...