In this chapter, we explored the relationship between the VR camera and objects in the scene. First, we made Ethan (the zombie) walk randomly around the scene and enabled him to move by using a NavMesh, but then we directed his wanderings using a 3D cursor on the X, Z ground plane. This cursor follows our gaze as we look at new locations on GroundPlane in virtual reality. Lastly, we also used our gaze to shoot a ray at Ethan, causing him to lose health and eventually explode. These look-based techniques can be used in non-VR games, but in VR, it's very common and almost essential. We'll be using them more in the later chapters of this book too.
In this chapter, you learned and used more features of Unity, all of which are very important for VR development. We used several different built-in components that control the behavior of game objects, including NavMesh and Particle Systems. We modified Materials and Textures, including painting with PolyBrush...