We couldn't have a chapter on social networking without mentioning Facebook. Facebook has its own SDK that can be used with Unity.
- Open up your web browser and visit: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/:
- Click on the Download the SDK button and wait for it to finish downloading. Once it is downloaded, unzip it and then open up the facebook-unity-sdk-7.10.1 folder. Then, open up the FacebookSDK folder and you'll see a single file, facebook-unity-sdk-7.10.1.unitypackage.
- Double-click on the unitypackage file, and you should have a window pop up:
If this does not work, you can also go to Assets | Import Package | Custom Package and then find the folder that you unzipped the file to and open it that way.
- Click on the Import button and wait for it to finish loading.
Now, in order to use the Facebook API, we...