Understanding the basic MIDI editing functions
Here are some basic functions of MIDI editing that can be carried out in the MIDI Editor:
- To move a note: Just grab the note with your cursor and move it to the desired place within the MIDI Editor.
- To move a note up or down a semitone: Select the note(s) and hit the up and down arrow keys.
- To move notes up and down a whole octave: Select the note(s) and hit Shift + the up and down arrow keys.
- To make a selection of all notes placed on the same semitone: Select a semitone on the piano roll (Figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1 – All notes triggered by the same semitone are selected after clicking on a semitone within the piano roll
- To change the length of a note: Simply drag the note out or in.
Figure 5.2 – Changing the note length
- To deactivate notes: Select the note(s), then Ctrl + click (right-click on Windows) on them, and chose Deactivate...