Scenario A – internal threat hunt
With the identification of some hypotheses and data logs, information is available to research before the threat hunt happens by an intel analyst. This role is a requirement of the team, and the team lead speaks with the CEO and stakeholders about how best to fill this position moving forward.
The CEO wants to keep the threat hunting team organic but doesn't want to commit to another manned position until the team has shown it can accomplish the goals set for it. So, they will approve a contract position to supply the intel analysis role for the initial hunt and then, based on the outcome, a full-time hireable one.
The team lead works quickly with HR and their team to get referrals and hires for a contract position that will be filled quickly enough to get the work done. Thankfully, one of the team members has a friend who's done intel in the past and is looking to get back into the discipline.
Because of the lack of investment...