This chapter has set you up for success with a deep understanding of Slack workspaces and how they will change your team's connectivity from the outset. In this chapter, we discussed how you can create a workspace that is optimized for your team and workflow. You have learned how to invite members and join other workspaces yourself to continue your education. We discussed different roles and permissions that guide the user experience of an individual with a particular role. We also walked you through how to transfer old workspaces to new ones to keep up with your company's growth.
You know how to build a workspace and get your team onboarded to Slack, which is the next level of your learning.
In the next chapter, we will dive further into the differences between paid and free Slack workspaces and how to utilize direct messages versus group chats, tagged mentions, and public announcements to the fullest. We will hone in on how to use Slack effectively without...