Data governance accounts for 10% of the Salesforce Certified Data Architect exam testing criteria.
First, we looked at compliance and how it must be considered (using the GDPR as an example) when implementing a data model in Salesforce. Some companies and industries need to demonstrate compliance when safeguarding people’s data according to a particular regulation or act of law. For example, a UK bank needs to adhere to the GDPR to safeguard customer data. If their Salesforce solution weren’t implemented with a consideration of the GDPR, they may be subject to fines and forced to take remedial action. Then, we covered practical tips on how we can adhere to certain data standards or regulations, such as using classic encryption or Shield Encryption.
After that, we turned our attention to enterprise data governance, diving into the various roles and responsibilities that are involved in how organizations safeguard, process, and manage data.
When combined...