Soldering headers and attaching them to the robot
Before we can start to use or wire the sensors, we will need to solder headers onto them and then bolt them so they face forward on the robot.
Soldering headers
I recommend using a spare breadboard for soldering these, as you did with Raspberry Pi Pico and the motor controller earlier in Chapter 4, Building a Robot around Pico. The following photo shows me soldering them:
Figure 8.2 – Soldering the distance sensor headers
The photo on the left of the preceding figure shows the sensors, the headers, and a breadboard to aid soldering. Place the headers long pins in the breadboard holes and the sensors on top. Pimoroni designed these sensor modules to hold the board on the header for easy soldering.
In the right photo, one sensor has had the header soldered in, and I am soldering the other. The headers should be facing back from the sensor so that the wiring will not be in the sensor beam.