Touching the object
For this animation, Rain will pick up a ball in her right hand, hold it for a moment, and then toss it away. This involves setting up an object relationship between Rain’s armature and the ball using constraints, not unlike what we saw in Chapter 4, but with some additional complexity.
The first step to having Rain hold a ball in her hand is to make one and put her hand on it. Pretty straightforward! This will be the easiest section of the exercise. After that, things will get a little dicey...
Setting up the shot
We need to model a ball and put it in an easy-to-reach place for Rain. How about right in front of her on a table?

Figure 10.1: Rain, with props
On that note, let’s add two new objects: a ball and a table. You may not be a 3D modeler, and this is not a modeling book by a long shot, so “modeling” your ball may involve little more than adding a sphere, and your “table” can just...