Importing shapefiles
The process of importing a shapefile involves the following steps:
- Display a form prompting the user to upload the shapefile's ZIP archive.
- Decompress the ZIP file to extract the uploaded shapefile.
- Open the shapefile and read its data into the database.
- Delete the temporary files we have created.
Let's work through each of these steps in turn.
The Import Shapefile form
Let's start by creating a placeholder for the "Import Shapefile" view. Edit the
module and add a new entry to the urlpatterns
url(r'^import$', shapeEditor.shapefiles.views.import_shapefile),
Then, edit the shapeEditor/shapefiles/
module and add a dummy import_shapefile()
view function to respond to this URL:
def import_shapefile(request): return HttpResponse("More to come")
You can test this if you want: run the Django server, go to the main page, and click on the Import New Shapefile button. You should see the More to come message.
To let the...