One specific requirement that is often overlooked, which is highly granular and immediate in nature, is the SIR. SIRs are operational and tactical, focusing on specific facts and activities. SIRs are where the intelligence analyst can identify requirements pertaining to PIRs. SIRs tend to outnumber GIRs or PIRs simply due to the granularity involved with defining SIRs.
Often, SIRs are time-constrained to some degree. This is because the data and intelligence provided via a SIR is so granular and, therefore, likely actionable. It's recommended that you reevaluate the SIRs that are defined every 30 days since these requirements could change often. SIRs are notably technical in nature, whereas PIRs and GIRs are typically more generic and relate to broader cyber threat activity.
SIRs are highly specific; for example, identify the C2 infrastructure that a specific threat actor is leveraging today. Often, SIRs pertain to the specific attributes of an attack or actor or technical...