Security notifications
Moodle has set up a dedicated site that you can find at
, dealing with security issues. If you register your Moodle site, which is highly recommended, your e-mail address will automatically be added to the security alerts mailing list. To set this up, go to Registration and click on the Register with (MOOCH) button.
Moodle notifications
When you click on the Notifications link in the Site administration section, Moodle will display any potential issues with your site. This link is also used to initiate installed Moodle updates and add-ons (see Chapter 14,Installing Third-party Add-ons).
Some sample messages are displayed in the following screenshot; the first issue would clearly fall into the security category:
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Moodle monitors failed login attempts in its logfile, as described in Chapter 10, Moodle Reporting. Repeated login failures can indicate that unauthorized users are trying to get access to your system. In addition to checking your...