AutoML approach to target transformation
So far, we have discussed many ways to make a series more stationary (we are using the word stationary here in the non-mathematical sense), such as detrending, deseasonalizing, differencing, and monotonic transformations. We’ve also looked at statistical tests to check whether trends, seasonality, and so on are present in a time series. So, the natural next step is to put it all together to carry out these transforms in an automated way while choosing good defaults wherever possible. This is exactly what we did and implemented an AutoStationaryTransformer
in src.transforms.target_transformations
The following flow chart explains the logic of this in an automated way:
Figure 7.6: Flow chart for AutoStationaryTransformer
We have excluded differencing from this implementation for two reasons:
- Differencing, in the context of predictions, comes with considerable baggage of technical debt. If you do differencing...