In this chapter, we covered how various laws and standards provide specific guidelines and best practices to prevent data from being compromised in some way. We reviewed key components of FIPS and PCI DSS, outlined why the standards exist, and how they are used to ensure the protection of data. We then reviewed how, in the US and the EU, there are several laws that deal with the protection of consumer data.
We discussed how key components of HIPAA, GDPR, and the CCPA outline specific rules on how to ensure the protection of personal data. Finally, we covered different ways we can leverage the use of encryption. We know that we use encryption to secure our data and prevent unauthorized access. However, we learned how malicious actors use encryption in a malicious way, to conceal malware in a stream of encrypted data, or encrypt and lock files until a ransom is paid.
In the next chapter, we'll outline some common attacks on encrypted data along with some advanced...