We are entering the era of self-driven cars; you may ask, "why can't products just maintain themselves?" The Product Teams deliver high-quality software yet the real-world usage of a feature can significantly differ from its anticipated usage. The building blocks the product operates on and the ecosystem of frameworks that rely on the product keep evolving too. TFS does not have a very high administration over head. The administration needs are somewhat proportional to the level of usage. Smaller Teams may be able to administer TFS within the day-to-day activities of individuals on the Team, while larger Teams may need a dedicated TFS administrator.
The key tasks that need to be performed by a TFS administrator can broadly be divided into three categories: Update, Maintain, and Optimize:
Let's explain each of these tasks in detail:
Update: It is very important to keep the environment secure, and for this reason, all security updates that the MBSA tool identifies as "Critical" should...