A topic is a part of a conversation a customer has with a chatbot. You will need to create topics to handle each type of request your bot should handle. For instance, you might require a chatbot to respond to employee inquiries concerning travel and expenses.
You can start by collating a list of phrases that an employee might use and then grouping them into similar inquiries.
For example, you might collect the following sets of phrases for an organization's travel and expenses policies:
- Accommodation: The policies for overnight hotel accommodation:
- What level of hotel accommodation am I entitled to?
- What else is included in my hotel stay?
- Subsistence: The level of food and incidental expenses when working away from the office or home:
- Is breakfast included in an overnight stay?
- Can I claim for dinner?
- Do I need a receipt for meals?
- Car travel: Allowances for use of a vehicle when traveling to remote locations:
- What is the mileage allowance for my car...