The fundamentals of Metasploit
Now let us talk about the big picture: Metasploit. Metasploit is a security project that provides exploits and tons of reconnaissance features to aid a penetration tester. Metasploit was created by H.D. Moore back in 2003, and since then, its rapid development has led it to be recognized as one of the most popular penetration testing tools. Metasploit is entirely a Ruby-driven project and offers a great deal of exploits, payloads, encoding techniques, and loads of post-exploitation features.
Metasploit Framework console and commands
Gathering knowledge of the architecture of Metasploit, let us now run Metasploit to get hands-on knowledge of the commands and different modules. To start Metasploit, we first need to establish a database connection so that everything we do can be logged into the database. However, usage of databases also speeds up Metasploit's load time by making use of caches and indexes for all modules. Therefore, let us start the postgresql